The full version of this article was first published at: The Allbound Podcast: Train for Channel Success
Joseph Ulrich, Team Leader for US Channels at Hyland Software, joins me on The Allbound Podcast to discuss channel engagement, training partners, and what may or may not be the reason why 80-90% of Hyland’s customers are aqcuired through channel sales. You mentioned that now you’re really focused on recruitment and activities that are associated with uncovering and welcoming new partners. Has your partner recruitment strategy changed much over the years, or is the essence basically the same? No, I would say that it has probably changed quite a bit over the years. When we were first founded back in 1991, we had a need to really expand our presence fairly quickly and try and gain as much market penetration as we could. Any partners who are family we affectionately call Team OnBase, and really what we were looking for at that time were those partners that were capable of a broad range of capabilities. That was vitally important to us because again, we were just trying to expand our reach and expand the name of OnBase. A lot of these included not only our traditional partners but then some OEM organizations as well. The partners who we brought onboard at that time were growing their businesses right along with us, and OnBase became one of their primary solutions that they were selling to their customers. More recently, I would say that we’ve become much more strategic, not only from a geographical perspective but maybe more so in the offerings and the…
Read More: The Allbound Podcast: Train for Channel Success