4 Things You Don't Want to Hear From Your Channel Partner Sales Team

The full version of this article was first published at: 4 Things You Don't Want to Hear From Your Channel Partner Sales Team

Working with your partner sales team can bring up some small issues while you’re still getting the kinks worked out. This is especially true when you have a somewhat complicated sales process, or have a large geographic region to contend with. While you can expect some short setbacks here and there, be wary of these four phrases that can hint at a larger incompatibility. “What’s In It For Me?” This first item is not to say that you and your channel partners should not expect some mutual benefits. Rather, the introduction for both of you in meetings to discuss your partner sales process should have already covered the basics. Your sales symbiosis may not be readily apparent, but anyone who you’re willing to join forces with should be able to recognize the advantages. Especially if you bring them up as a discussion point before it becomes a question.   “We Should be Able to Find Additional Resources” The negative item here is the modifier of the statement, ‘should’. The last thing you want is for your partner sales channel to dry up due to lack of resource investment in the channel. If you cannot commit time or money to the sales channel, be forthright about your situation and when you anticipate it will improve. Likewise, your channel partner will also keep you up to date about any hindrances in the channel.Optimally, there should be no roadblocks in the partner sales process. A successful partner sales channel requires input from all invested…
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