When you’re investing major dollars into marketing for your business, you want to know what exactly is paying off. As we well know, our customers are busy and looking for the fastest way to find information and begin conversations. What can you do to ensure customers find your business? And, how can you build out marketing programs that generate more leads? Using call tracking is one of the fastest and easiest ways to gather all of this information and more. You’ll harness powerful analytics, gain insight into each customer call, and even learn where you can improve to ensure customers keep coming back to you. Ready to get started? Check out our 5 tips for successfully using a tracking phone number, and receive optimal data from day one of your call tracking experience. Call Recording Using call recording on your tracking numbers is a great way to qualify leads coming into your business. By understanding what your customers are looking for, and how they interact with representatives of your business, you’ll capture the information you need to make informed decisions that prove ROI. With CallRail’s call tracking phone numbers, you can record both incoming and outgoing calls at no additional cost. Your recordings are always available in your activity dashboard and within email notifications as soon as a call ends. This immediate and invaluable insight at your fingertips ensures that you’ll never be in the dark when it comes to how your team is performing. Dynamic Number Insertion Dynamic number insertion…
Read More: 5 Tips for Successfully Using a Tracking Phone Number
