SCUBE marketing is a digital marketing agency focused on improving paid search, paid social, and display campaigns for lead generation and e-commerce companies. Even though most companies come to us to improve revenues and increase profitability of their digital marketing campaigns, we have noticed that almost all of them need help with their analytics, specifically with:Tracking everything to enable data-driven decisions for making better marketing investments Attributing leads to their marketing channels to calculate accurate ROI Today I will show you what you need to track and improve your campaigns using newly available data. I will use a law firm client as an example, because: Their business is heavily focused on lead generation Many people are aware of and may have worked with lawyers Lawyer Saul Goodman (of Better Call Saul) is my favorite character Great Campaigns Start With Good Tracking Marketing analytics have become an integral part of the lead generation strategy for companies. A recent CMO Survey reports that spending on marketing analytics will increase by 66% over the next three years. We push our clients to become data-driven marketing organizations because it creates a win-win situation for the clients and us. Here is why: It helps to set, evaluate, and manage marketing strategy We can attribute the leads and the marketing spend to respective channels Everyone knows exactly how each channel is performing and can determine what to do next The typical ways to capture generated leads are: Web form inquiries (on page) Web chat inquiries (on page) Calls…
Read More: Agency Increases Leads by 21% and Reduces CPL by 21%