A leading premise that has gone into the development of Allbound is that suppliers experience underperforming channel sales because they are suffering from a partnering problem. Many existing partnerships simply don’t work because suppliers and resellers aren’t finding ways to work together. Technology can be used to restore the pillars of partnership, but it has to address the underlying issues in order for it to be effective. Those underlying issues go far deeper than sales skills, content marketing or MDF programs. They are rooted in neuroscience and the intricacies of the human condition that allow people to form and build collaborative, trusting relationships. When it comes to the science of connection, I’m no expert. But, I’ve partnered with someone who is. My life partner and wife, Therese, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and owner of Peaceful Mind Counseling Services. While she hasn’t always realized that the psychological insights she shares with me make their way into my work as a marketer, she was aware her expertise would be the center of this blog post. Why is connection so important to the human condition? From the point of birth, we’re wired neurologically for connection. In our brains there are different hormones and neurotransmitters that get released when we are connecting with other people. That release sends signals to the brain that essentially create positive feelings. Connection is very important to us as humans from the second we are born. Why is connection so important for development? Connection with others supports…
Read More: Collaboration and the Science of Partner Connection