Today, everyone has their own email address, right? Not necessarily. Sometimes we see a scenario where a couple shares an email address (this can happen often with spouses), and one member of the couple unsubscribes, but the other member of the couple still wants to receive emails. Can this be mitigated? To answer this question, let’s take a closer look at subscription management within ClickDimensions. ClickDimensions handles subscription management functionality both at the email address level and at the lead or contact record level within CRM. What exactly does this mean? To understand, we need to know how the ClickDimensions unsubscribe process works. We have plenty of supporting documentation on this, and remember, our live training for ClickDimensions customers and partners includes subscription management. Here’s an example: We have two separate contact records, one for each spouse. They use the same email address. At some point, Jim unsubscribes from emails from Tomato Gardens, our example company. He globally unsubscribes, which means he has opted out of all emails sent by Tomato Gardens. When a contact globally unsubscribes, two things happen: 1. An unsubscribe record is created for the email address that was used in the global unsubscribe. 2. The Bulk Email field within the Contact Preferences pane on the corresponding lead/contact/account record will change from “Allow” to “Do Not Allow.” ClickDimensions takes steps to opt the customer out at both the contact level and at the email address level, so that even if a new contact record is created with the…
Read More: Understanding Subscription Management: Multiple Contacts, Same Email Address