Three simple areas to identify your weaknesses Maybe it’s Mountain Dew? Maybe it’s men or women who drink Mountain Dew? Everyone has a weakness and for nursing students attempting to pass an exam like the NCLEX®, those weaknesses can feel crippling, much like the carb coma that occurs after attending a county fair to self medicate on a bad day. Did I mention I won the “pretty baby contest” in 1985 at a county fair in West Virginia which will remain nameless? I still have the ribbon to prove I’m a winner! And, I’ve worked with literally tons of students on a one-to-one basis while at Picmonic and have heard it all. Nursing students write in with similar, seemingly insurmountable issues like: “I’m doing poorly answering questions. Help!”“I’ve failed my NCLEX®, what do you recommend?”“Can you help me figure out why I’m doing so poorly on my exams?” Often students are left with a standardized report telling them “content areas” of weakness but that isn’t always the problem each student faces. I’ve boiled everything down into three problem areas. It’s like a recipe for exam soup or three-layer taco dip only tastier, because it costs nothing and is low in calories! However, it may or may not cause your IBS to flare up. To quote George Washington, or Maury Povich on paternity reveal day, honesty is the best policy and more important than anything, you’ll need to be honest with yourself. We’re in this together to help you pass your…
Read More: How to Pass Nursing Exams and the NCLEX®