In the ever growing quest of attracting more of the right patients to your practice, providers are now being drawn into best practices for medical practice marketing and getting found online. While fifty years ago it might have been sufficient to simply hang a sign on your shingle and serve the patients who came to you, today’s best marketing inevitably involves creating an online presence that actively attracts potential patients and engages with established ones. According to the Pew Research Center, more than 70% of adults go online to find information about their health concerns, and researching potential physicians is one of the top searches. In order to be effective, medical practice marketing must be intentional and provide measurable results, while also being manageable. Following are some points to consider as you explore the best way to market your medical practice. Outbound Medical Practice Marketing Also referred to as ‘paid advertising’, outbound marketing is your paid voice you deliver to a specific targeted audience. These are great introductions and cover everything from magazine advertisements, sponsorship of events, Billboards, plus facebook, linkedin and other social media spends. Be sure to include a tracking system to determine the return on your investment. One key piece of advice, rather than simply throwing money at a particular ad campaign, first take the time to define your ideal patient population and put in place a way to track how many new patients engage further as a direct result of a given campaign. Inbound Medical Practice Marketing If paid…
Read More: Medical Practice Marketing: What Is The Most Effective Way To Market My Medical Practice?