Last month I showed you how you can use a workflow to send customers a specific email based on how they filled out a certain field on your form. We can actually use a similar workflow to add people to a specific marketing list and assign them to a user based on how they fill out a form field. In our example, we have created a form asking which specific ClickDimensions web content feature people are interested in learning more about: forms, surveys or landing pages. We want to add people to a specific marketing list based on which answer they choose in the drop-down menu. We also want to assign their record to a specific user based on their answer. The form field we created is called “Field Interest” and we made it a list with three options. We then created three separate marketing lists that correspond with our form field options. Now we can set up our workflow, which will check how our form field was answered, add the contact to a specific marketing list and assign them to a certain user based on that form field value. We have set up this workflow to run on posted fields, set the scope to organization and set it to run when the record is created. For our first step, we added a Check Condition that asks if the posted field is Field Interest and the posted form is our ClickDimensions Product Interest Form. Then we asked if the value…
Read More: Adding Customers to a Marketing List and Assigning Them to a User Based on Form Field Submission