Raise your hand if you’ve ever bought into the Field of Dreams fallacy: build it, and they will come. Unfortunately, this is how too many suppliers treat their channel sales and marketing efforts. Here’s the thing. Nobody knows your product better than you do, and the sooner you take steps to effectively transfer that knowledge to your partners, the sooner you’ll reap the rewards in the form of substantial sales volumes. Better approaches are within reach. Leading suppliers are already leveraging cloud technology and modern marketing techniques to grow, leverage and accelerate their channel ecosystems. Here’s what you can learn from those leading edge channel businesses: Get Partners Started – Fast The key here is to start. You’ve lived by the status quo long enough, and waiting to launch the perfect channel strategy will have you wasting away into channel irrelevance. Very rarely do channel programs emerge perfectly formed right out of the gate. Instead of taking the time to craft the ideal program, focus on exactly those things that a new partner needs to get started. Develop a solid and robust channel quick-start kit that can engage partners immediately. You’ll soon recognize that your newly formed partnerships all operate differently and will thus require varied levels of tailored attention over time. As you progress, you can segment your partners and evolve your program in response to your partners’ needs, and vice versa. Get Partners Help – Quickly and Effectively Partners inevitably will need your help. Think about all the…
Read More: Leading Suppliers Make Partnering Easy