0 Flares 0 Flares × We take feedback from our customers seriously– that’s why we’re excited to share our big news. One of the most requested product enhancements is now available within CallRail. The Magic of MCC My Client Center (MCC) allows you to use one email address to access any CallRail account where you’re an administrative user. All you have to do is log in with the email address you’d like to become your master login, and start claiming your other accounts. Much like Google AdWords’s Manager Accounts, CallRail’s MCC allows you to easily switch between the accounts where you’re an administrative user. Your notifications settings, billing, and account settings will transfer to your master login, so you won’t have to spend time setting up functionalities from your other accounts. This enhancement also allows you to keep billing and credit card information separate for each agency account. Simply navigate to your Billing Overview page, and view previous invoice dates and amounts for each agency. Not only are you getting the answers you need faster, you also have the freedom to organize your business and campaigns in ways best for your business. It’s true simplicity at its finest! Here’s how it works: Log into CallRail using the username and password you’d like to become your master login. Navigate to http://app.callrail.com/switch-accounts/. Claim account access by entering the email address and password you’d like to merge to your login. Claiming the email address and password for another user deletes their login and…
Read More: Marketers and Agencies Rejoice: My Client Center is Here