Trust in the customer journey is paramount. Duh! I know this isn’t a new concept, but too often, organizations speak to the importance of trust, but don’t organize to achieve it. Instead, they distract themselves, and each other, with data and metrics that lack substance. Without trust there are no views or clicks. There are no completed forms or conversions. And, there are definitely no renewals or repeat purchases. When Trust Is Off Track Enterprises emphasize customer data for good reason. It can yield insights that help frame improvements and progress. And, quantifying results and ROI is on every marketing and sales pros to-do list. Too often though, the metrics and data that get collected get in the way of the very progress you are trying to achieve. Our customer success team at Allbound regularly encounters prospects and customers who have let the simple ability to measure stuff, cloud the real indicators of performance ( KPI ). Here are a couple cases in point: “Active,” but no activity: One of our customers purchased Allbound to replace an existing partner portal. That portal was a place they directed partners to. There wasn’t much value there for partners – no training, little content and one-direction deal submission via a web form. But, the metrics didn’t lie. At any one time, 70% of portal users were active! What was considered active? A partner rep had requested a log in and signed into the portal once. ONCE! The 5%: One of our Customer Success…
Read More: Trust Needs To Be Your Primary KPI