Hi there favorite vendor of mine! You’ve been taking me for granted for quite a while, and we have to have a talk. It’s not that I particularly mind; after all, it’s your money and wasted potential. But I could be much more, and you’re not using me to my full potential … it’s a little hurtful. “Spray and Pray” Is Not the Best Honestly, you’re a bit stuck in the old “brute-force” way of doing things, and it isn’t working. The problem isn’t in your product; I’ve seen it in action and there are many stories of customer success. The issue lies in how you’re utilizing me, your indirect sales channel. Your campaigns blast lists of unwilling, unreceptive people that don’t take into account my relationships. You’re speaking at them and ignoring what they really want and need — and I can be helping you better understand those needs, if you just asked or looked in the right places. Communication is Key I need you to communicate more with me so I can better communicate with our customers. You may not realize this, but I can facilitate many of these conversations, and it would help if you embraced a philosophy of collaboration, instead of management and control. You’ve grown to the point where your linear communication significantly impacts your response time, and it’s starting to negatively affect our customers. I completely understand your predicament. Just trying to organize all the internal product, marketing, advertising and support departments is tough…
Read More: Hi, This Is Your Sales Channel … You Need Help