If you’ve been a marketing or sales professional for the past decade, you’ll have noticed how immensely the digital landscape has changed. Even the past five years have witnessed a tremendous paradigm shift in how all types of buyers use mobile devices to make purchasing decisions. This new normal, in which companies have mere seconds, or “micro-moments,” to capture and hold a consumer’s attention, is shaking up the entire marketing process, and it’s critical that you and your channel partners meet the challenge head on. In 2011, Google revealed what it called the Zero Moment of Truth, referring to the precise, need-driven moment when purchasers seek information online, to a growing extent on their mobile devices and often with the intent to purchase a good or service. Most recently, Google expanded on its concept of micro-moments, separating them into four key stages that represent the full range of prospect and customer needs: I Want to Know I Want to Go I Want to Do I Want to Buy Before we take a closer look at each of these, it’s worth asking yourself if your channel marketing framework is prepared to handle the real-time demands of such a fast-paced market. Will you and your partners be able to leverage this new knowledge to drive sales? I Want to Know Moments Information drives sales in the modern marketplace, even in the world of B2B. When a senior IT executive gets tasked with updating the company’s aging network hardware, her first destination will…
Read More: Customer Micro-moments and the Partners Who Own Them