What Does Your Partner Onboarding Look Like?
Congratulations! You’ve gained a new partner. The hard work of procuring that partner is done and now it’s time to sit back and let the sales start pouring in, right? Sort of. First, you need to provide your partner with the tools and information to make selling efficient, and effective. From campaigns and educational content for your resellers, to flyers and brochures meant to educate clients, to the actual deal information itself, there is a lot of information (and files) that need to be shared. Let’s spend some time with “Eric,” a channel account manager who uses an assortment of tools to get his job done, as he works to onboard his newest partner. Eric has just received an email from the VP of Business Development at his company, letting him know there’s a new partner ready and waiting to be onboarded. Eric pulls up his canned email containing links to different portals for onboarding co-branded partners. He scans the links to make sure nothing has changed; LMS, SharePoint, Google Docs, PRM, the marketing team’s email address to co-brand documents … check! It’s all there. But what information isn’t Eric able to provide? Well, access to the CRM for one. But what else is missing? Data. Eric is providing the partner with what he has, and it’s not enough. With several separate portals, it’s possible that the partner won’t even bother accessing some of them, let alone receive any data from the portals his team does use. Trainings go unwatched,…
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