Add URLs with Parameters to ClickDimensions Emails for Extra Tracking

LinkParameterAre you planning on using URL parameters or PPC links with your email marketing strategy? With ClickDimensions, it’s easy to include links with parameters within your ClickDimensions email template. This will allow you to track your links, use other features (such as the hidden field in forms), and give your online marketing strategy an extra dimension of customer activity visibility.

This example will show you the best way to include your URLs with parameters within ClickDimensions email templates, and also how to find the results of the clicks to these links within CRM.

1. If you already have an idea of what you’ll use for your parameters and if you’re using Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager, PPC links from LinkedIn, or other places, you’ll have a link that’s ready for you to share. If you’re using this set-up to track differentiated links that lead to the same destination—links that only show to certain recipients of your email when using dynamic content/if statements—you’ll want to know the values you’re using for the differentiations.

This can be as basic as tagging URLs of different images or links within your template to gauge where customers’ mouse clicks are going. This can also be visualized as a heat map report.

NOTE: Save these parameters to refer back to when creating your reporting methods—including CRM advanced finds, saved views, etc. See step 3.

In this example, I included a link for my recipients to a ClickDimensions form. I’m using specific lead source parameters to be recognized whenever the customer submits the form so we can see which email the customer received that brought them to my specific form. This was inspired by our articles for pre-filling forms using the hidden field: Part 1 and Part 2.


2. Use the link manager within the email template editor to add your URLs with parameters in the “Website URL” tab. Even if you are using a ClickDimensions web content record with a parameter included, you’ll want to use the “Embed as Link” URL, add in your parameter, copy it, and then paste it within the “Website URL” tab of the link manager. It will still direct the prospect to the same destination, but this time the parameters will be included within the URL for tracking purposes.


3. When setting up your reporting options, especially when creating advanced finds or saved views in CRM, use these parameters to filter and view your results. Because you’re checking to see which links are clicked, in this case, we want to search our email event records. This is because they show the URL that was clicked. When viewing your sent email send statistics, filter by the parameter and any other criteria you wish to include (date, contacts, leads, etc.). 


Happy Marketing!

Written by Molly Lambeth, Marketing Success Manager

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