Start Scheduling Your Holiday Emails

Now that your CRM is geared up for the ever-important “Seasons Greetings” email, (thanks to our previous blog post), we recommend getting a head-start on setting up the messages themselves. Unless you have any time-sensitive data you need to include, you can draft up your holiday emails now, while you’ve got all hands on deck.

Start with Your Template


A seasonal template can be simple with just a few sentences including the best wishes during the holidays and the upcoming year. You can be creative and deliver this in your own voice for your own audience.

Setup and Test Your Email Send


Always make sure you test internally, no matter how simple the email, to make sure everything looks great before you send.

It’s also a good test to create a marketing list of internal leads and contacts and actually send the email as well. Test your tracking and statistics. Once everything looks good, clone your send and you’re ready to schedule the production email.

Schedule Your Email Send


Use our scheduling feature for your email by setting “Send Immediately” to “No” and choosing a date and time from the corresponding drop down. You can schedule emails any time in the future, so you can “set it and forget it.”

In many cases, you’ll send the holiday email to all of your leads and contacts, so you could make or use an “all encompassing” marketing list, and we’ll automatically filter out any duplicates or anyone who’s unsubscribed. 

Once you’ve completed all the above steps and you feel confident about your send, click Save and then click Send. Your email will go into the outbox and wait there until the time you’ve set. You can read more about scheduling emails here.

Wait! I found a typo!

That’s ok! As long as you have scheduled the email, you can cancel it by following these steps, then click the Clone button to make a copy. Make whatever changes you need and re-schedule your message. If the error was on the email template, you can just make the change in the editor and you’ll be good to go. However, we’d also recommend going back and fixing it in the template itself so that it’s all ready to go next time.

Happy (Holiday) Marketing!

Written by Courtney Smith, ClickDImensions Marketing Success Manager


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