5 little workflows with really big results – #4: Select and Send Email from a Single Dropdown Field

#4: Select and Send Email from a Single Dropdown Field

Do you have templates that you repeatedly send to different recipients, but you don’t want to manually create an email send every time? Or perhaps you have staff that you want to have the ability to send certain ClickDimensions emails, but you don’t want to open up Pandora’s Box and give them access to edit the template? Did you know you can leverage CRM workflow to create and send the prebuilt templates to your recipient right from a single dropdown field on the contact or lead record?

We’ve talked about sending ClickDimensions emails with workflow before. In fact, we’ve created entire videos and articles on how to do this on our help and training site. We see a lot of our customers creating on-demand workflows to send emails, which the user then clicks to run workflow, and selects the workflow for the email they want to auto-send. So, we thought why not make it easier for them? One helpful hint is that instead of creating separate on-demand workflows for each template you want to send, create an “auto-email” dropdown on the contact/lead/account record, and have a workflow that sends the email selected in the dropdown. This requires the workflow to have separate checks and create separate emails that get sent depending on which option was selected in the drop down, which ultimately reduces the need to have separate on-demand workflows, and eliminates the need to manually trigger the workflow. After the email is sent, there is a step in the workflow to clear the auto-email dropdown so it is ready for another send.


Select email auto-email name from dropdown, ClickDimensions email is set without manually creating email send or requiring access to template.


Prerequisites: Custom dropdown field on contact/lead/account with a list of options for auto-emails.

Workflow – Trigger OnChange of “auto-email”

Check if auto-email equals option 1

Create Record – Send ClickDimensions email use specified template for option 1

Update Record – Contact/Lead/Account clear auto-email

Otherwise If auto-email equals option 2

Create Record – Send ClickDimensions email use specified template for option 2

Update Record – Contact/Lead/Account clear auto-email




An alternative to using the dropdown (used here because there was a requirement that the users not have any access to ClickDimensions email templates) is to use a custom lookup field as the auto email trigger. You can then have a workflow that triggers on field change, and even use the value of that field itself in the Send ClickDimensions Email properties, which eliminates the need to have separate checks and sends. You can even create a custom field on the email template form for available as auto-email, and set the lookup field to use a filtered view!

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