The full version of this article was first published at: How to Maintain Brand Consistency Across Your Partner Sales Channel
If it isn’t already, brand consistency should be your primary concern in the channel, as far as content goes. Why? Because people buy from brands they trust. And the first step in garnering trust is maintaining brand integrity. In the age of information (cue corny sci-fi theme music), organizations often use an exorbitant amount of marketing and sales channels. And ensuring that content is steady throughout all these respective channels is paramount to success. From maintaining a consistent voice and personality to ensuring that all collateral is unified and recognizable, the most successful companies harness the power of their brand. Here’s how: Know your buyer personas. Knowing your buyers and how they rank across your organization’s hierarchy is a crucial first step. What do your buyers do in their roles? And what motivates them? Furthermore, what are their greatest challenges—and how and where do they seek solutions to these problems? Developing buyer personas that are created around problems ensures that specific problems are being resolved. And that your products are being catered to individuals who are attracted to your product in the first place. Take control of your voice. According to the American Marketing Association, a brand is the “name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good[s] or service[s] as distinct from those of other sellers.” In other words, your brand is your organization’s character. So figure out your voice. Whether you have a full-scale marketing team or a single, scrappy individual at your disposal,…
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