Prove Marketing Influence with CallRail for Salesforce

In today’s connected world, every customer interaction matters. Unfortunately, too many marketers make the mistake of only tracking prospects’ online path to purchase, leaving a glaring hole in their attribution data when someone picks up the phone and calls. Luckily, with the right technology, there’s a fix for that gap in your lead attribution. CallRail’s direct integration with Salesforce arms you with the tools you need to link your inbound calls with the marketing campaigns that drive them. What is Salesforce? Salesforce is the world’s #1 customer relationship management tool, giving organizations the ability to sell, service, and market smarter. It’s extremely customizable, with the capacity to build workflows, dashboards, and reports unique to your business. Salesforce lets data-driven marketers manage outbound marketing campaigns within the app, allowing for easy analysis of what works best for increasing sales. With the power to track the entire customer journey, it’s no wonder Salesforce is the CRM solution of choice for 150,000 businesses. Why integrate CallRail and Salesforce? The best way to properly assess conversion rates and marketing ROI is to link every lead back to their specific marketing source – including phone calls. While Salesforce allows you to tie marketing campaign activity to lead and contact records, without integrated call tracking you aren’t seeing the whole picture. CallRail for Salesforce enables the full visibility you need to prove your marketing impact. Our integration with Salesforce allows you to: Capture new leads and call activities instantly. All call activities, whether online or offline,…
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