Some of the most common questions that our customer support team receives involve Email Sends that didn’t go quite as planned. This blog post covers the most common Email Send issues, their causes and the steps that you can take toward a resolution. Email Did Not Send If, upon clicking the Send button and approving the send, your Email Send does not actually send anything, it is likely that your email contains one or more render errors. Thankfully, email render errors are recorded back to your CRM as Email Events that contain details about the render error in the Message field. We can see in the example above that the email was unable to send due to a syntax error in line 278, column 123 of the email’s HTML, caused by the presence of an unclosed “{“. This message saves a lot of potential headache by identifying the source of the render error so the problematic HTML can be quickly fixed. One important thing to keep in mind is that an Email Send will fail at the first render error it encounters and generate an Email Event with a corresponding message. Once this render error has been resolved, it is possible that another render error will be encountered further down in your email’s HTML the next time you try to send it. So, if your email contains multiple errors, it may take a few send attempts to identify and resolve them all. By far the most common cause of render errors…
Read More: Common Email Send Problems