The Future of the Channel? Content, Collaboration, and the Customer
The last decade has brought more change and innovation to sales and marketing than any other time in history – including the advent of television. But at the end of the day, what’s really changed most is the connection points that unite buyers and sellers. In today’s world, with the overwhelming amount of content available online, it is a fully accepted fact that, for the first time, it is the buyer who is now in charge of the sales cycle – and those buyers know more about you and your competition than ever before. When it comes to IT and the channel, the most critical test for IT vendors and their partners will be their ability to not only attract new customers, but to service and keep the ones they have. In other words – it’s no longer about simply “generating the ‘A’ lead.” Today it’s about “being the ‘A’ solutions provider” for hyper-informed prospects who expect you to know their pain points. In the ‘A’ lead model, “BANT” (budget, authority, need, timeline) has long been the criteria to vet qualified leads. But what are the qualifications for an ‘A’ solutions provider? Prospects look for thought leaders who are: Experts in their field. In tune with the industry. Known for providing great solutions. Financially knowledgeable. Technically savvy. Socially conscious. So how do you prove that you have these qualifications with so much other noise out there?You concentrate on the three Cs — content, collaboration and the customer. Content Turning prospects into qualified leads and future customers for your partners…
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