Your Sales Ecosystem Is In Danger
A David Sipress cartoon recently appeared in one of my many social media feeds, and it so clearly communicated everything I wanted to say about my experience at Channel Visionaries’ Cloud Channel Series event in San Francisco last week: Credit: David Sipress “My desire to be well-informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain the same.” Our human resistance to change has been well documented for years and has kept many an executive and organizational coach in business. We like what we’re comfortable with. It’s safe. It’s secure. We know what to expect. Change can be scary. That being said, we’re also intelligent beings, and we know that change is always upon us, hence our desire to be well-informed. So, it was not necessarily surprising for me to hear my industry peers at Channel Visionaries talk about how today’s buyer has changed and how vendors and their partners must change as well if they desire to thrive in tomorrow’s economy. What was disappointing, however, was the fact that even though we all agreed that buyers have changed (and will continue to change), when it came down to executing marketing and sales strategies within a partner ecosystem, all I heard was the SAME OLD THING. Actually, it was worse. Now those same old strategies were being amplified with an assortment of technologies and apps, making things even more frightening. We’re setting ourselves up for the marketing technology bubble to not only burst, but to explode. I don’t think twice…
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