Create an Event Overview Dashboard

Microsoft CRM allows users to create dashboards, which allow them to view an assortment of data all in one location. Although dashboards are native CRM elements, they can be used in conjunction with ClickDimensions entities, such as Events. In this article we will demonstrate how to create a dashboard to see all of your active and past event records, event participation records, a chart displaying the top 5 events by volume of attendees, and a chart displaying the number of registrants vs number of attendees for several events.

Step 1: Create a “Top 5 Events by Attendees” Chart

Before we create our dashboard, we will need to create our charts. To do so, navigate to Marketing > Events in CRM, then change the record view to “past events” so you will be able to reference events that have data for who attended them. Next, click the “Charts” tab on the right side of the screen, then click the “+” button to create a new chart.


At this point, set up the chart as displayed in the screenshot, then follow the 3 red boxes to set the graph to only show the top 5 events by number of attendees.


Finally, name the chart and save it.



Step 2: Create an “Event Registrants vs Attendees” Chart

To create our second chart, Navigate to Marketing > Events in CRM, then change the record view to “past events” so you will be able to reference events that have data for who attended them. Next, click the “Charts” tab on the right side of the screen, then click the “+” button to create a new chart.

At this point, set up the chart as displayed in the screenshot.


Finally, name the chart and save it.



Step 3: Create a New Dashboard

In CRM, navigate to Marketing > Dashboards, then click “New”


After clicking new, select the default layout you would like. For my example, I choose the layout with 3 blocks on the first row and 2 blocks on the second row.



Step 4: Add Event Views, Event Participation Views, and Charts to the dashboard

Select the dashboard block you want to insert your record list into, then click the “insert list” button


In the “Add Component” window that opens, choose “Events” as the Record Type and choose “Active Events” as the View, then click “Add” to add the record list to your dashboard.


For the other two views, set the following:

Record Type: Events
View: Past Events

Record Type: Event Participations
View: Active Event Participations

To add the chart into the dashboard, click the “add chart” icon on the dashboard block you want to place it in and pick the chart you want to display.


Now that the dashboard has been assembled, name it, save it, then click the close button to close the dashboard editor. The event dashboard will now be accessible in your dashboard list.


You will now be able to easily keep an eye on all of your upcoming and past events, everybody who is registering for your events, and some information about how your events are performing.

Written by Rhys Saraceni, ClickDimensions Marketing Success Manager


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